Monday, March 5, 2012

Absence makes the hips grow wider...

Weight- 162ish
Time spent exercising today- 60 minutes (excellent)
Things I ate that I shouldn't have: 1 (but it had peanut butter in it. That's good, right?)
Pairs of pants that will be too big soon: 2 (that's good and bad... I'm kinda broke)
Dinners that need to be ready soon because I'm starving: 1
Dinners that will be ready soon: 0 (fail)

It's been 6ish days since my last post. To be fair:
A. I had a stomach bug.
B. We had severe weather on Wednesday and Friday
C. I hate severe weather
D. I couldn't work out that much because of A, B and C

The good news? I've been pretty faithful to my calorie count (not perfectly. No no. But somewhat? Ish?) and I'm definitely starting to see the results. It wasn't that long ago that I had so much fat around my midsection that any movement resulted in aftershock ripples of fatty grossness. Today, I was jogging along and the only bounce I felt was in my heels and my ponytail... not my belly. That can never be a bad thing. Also, if I turn sideways and pinch my arm fat back, my arms look really tiny. ... That doesn't quite count as a victory, if you're going to be technical about it, but if you're going to be technical about it, you can shove off and read someone else's blog and leave me to my smug ramblings.
My clothes are starting to fit more loosely, which is kind of awesome. And pretty soon, I'll be light enough on my feet that I can purse-snatch from old ladies to pay for new clothes. My head is light and giddy with the sweet, sweet pure oxygen of forthcoming triumph! And from trying to do pushups right after running. That was a mistake.
I need to do more with my arms. I wish they would unflab themselves. Loser arms.
I'm currently cooking my big meal of the week (which I'll be eating for the next few days) which is teriyaki chicken, sauteed cabbage and carrots, and fried rice. It smells like hot asian magic in my kitchen right now...
I've been bad with the desserts. Tacky, slutty desserts. I'm like a sailor newly into port... all those bundt cakes need to do is bat their whorish eyes at me and I swarm them like a hive of rabid hyenas. Was there a mixed simile there? I'm trying to avoid the temptation, but it doesn't help when they put displays of chocolately promise in between the vegetable aisles at Bi-Lo.
I had some tornado freak-outs this last week (embarassing ones, at that) but my thought is that I burned double calories from shaking so hard, AND I didn't eat anything for most of Friday. Terror-induced fasting is still low in calories! Don't let's repeat the performance, though.
Off to stretch my weary sinews and tuck into some masterfully marinated poultry flesh. It smells divine... and the chickens deserve to know that they selflessly gave their ta-ta's to a worthy and grateful cause.

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